
Oh, Wow - The Sktchy Blog

Oh, Wow

The Sktchy Blog

Meet Cameron Cundiff

Cameron is sharing drawing tips and demo videos with Sktchy subscribers throughout July. Learn more


What's your background?

I'm from Pasadena, California, living in Brooklyn, NY. I build software for a living, but I've loved to paint and draw as long as I can remember. I was lucky to have great teachers in grade school and high school, and went on to study Illustration and Fine Art in college.


What's your medium of choice when you're creating art?

I've been really into watercolor over the past few years. I used to paint in oils a lot, but moving to New York limited space. Watercolor gear is easy to store, setup and clean, and it takes up less space. They can also create really subtle and varied effects, and have a very luminous quality.

I use a kit I bought on Etsy, a mints tin with watercolor pans inset into it. I also use Koi watercolor brushes with a reservoir, as well as traditional short handle sable brushes.


How did you build your creative habit?

My biggest creativity hack is to work quickly. I try to finish a drawing or painting in one sitting. I'm resistant to pick up unfinished work because, for me, some of the initial inspiration may have faded. Having unfinished work around sometimes makes it less likely to start something new. If I finish whatever I start, quickly, I can keep a fluid practice.

To move quickly, I keep the format small. Usually I work in a sketchbook or paper less than 8 x 10 inches. I also use materials that are easy and require little setup, cleanup and drying. That's part of why I like watercolor, colored pencil and ink so much.


When you find yourself in a creative rut, how do you get out of it?

I draw circles with a colored pencil in my sketchbook. Once I draw the first circle, I'm going. It turns into a goofy or sometimes scary face, or just a colorful pattern.

Often, the drawings I create coming out of a rut are very raw and emotional, and carry a lot of power. The trick though is to keep it very low stakes and easy.

Try it now. Draw a little circle on a notecard or piece of paper, and see how it feels. Then keep going!


Which of your recent Sktchy artworks most expresses who you are now as an artist?

This portrait of Ruud is quick, raw and colorful. These are qualities that I look for when I make art lately. The drawing also has a lot of red, which I love.

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